Friday, October 26, 2012

Potato Rolls

2 c. milk scalded                                                   1 c. potatoes mashed
½ c. sugar                                                              ½ c. shortening
2 eggs                                                                    2 pkg. yeast, dissolved in ½ c. warm water
1 T. salt                                                                 8 c. flour (or more)

Pour scalded milk over shortening, sugar and salt.
Add mashed potatoes, cool to lukewarm.
Dissolve yeast in warm water and add to first mixture. Add eggs and flour.
Knead until smooth. Let rise until double in bulk. Shape into rolls and let rise again.
Bake at 350o for 20-25 mins.    (1st rise: 1-1/2 —2 hrs; 2nd rise: 30-45 mins.)

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