Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Crowd rallies to hear Paul Ryan in Lynchburg, Virginia on Tuesday

 "About 2,000 supporters gave Paul Ryan a warm Virginia welcome."

10/16/12, "Hundreds Come Out to ACS for Paul Ryan Rally,", Mike Kelly
Lynchburg, VA, "Paul Ryan had a message for Central Virginia Tuesday: Get to the polls. Election 2012 could very well come down to voter turnout.

Tuesday's rally at ACS in Lynchburg was meant to rally the Republican base.

Delegate Scott Garrett and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli revved up the crowd. Even Rev. Jonathan Falwell led with a prayer.

About 2,000 supporters gave Paul Ryan a warm Virginia welcome.
Fans say they liked the Paul Ryan they met Tuesday.

"I think he did a fantastic job and I'm glad he was here," said Ellen Richards.

"We need leadership like that to accomplish what needs to be accomplished for this country," said Donald Wilkerson.

Ryan hit on the economy and jobs.

"All this borrowing and all this money printing and all this spending costs us jobs. Get rid of this, fix this and we can create jobs. It's just that simple," he said.

ACS, Automated Conveyor Systems, hosted this event. Ryan says businesses like ACS symbolize the American dream.

"And guess what? These guys built their business. The government didn't do this for them."" WSET

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