Friday, October 5, 2012

From Joanne's desk:

 Recommended books:

1)  From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya by Ruth Tucker
2)  Guardians of the Great Commission by Ruth Tucker
3)  The Friendships of Women by Dee Brestin
4)  25 Surprising Marriages by William J. Petersen
5)  Miracle of Miracles by Mina Nevisa
6)  The Wounded Spirit by Frank Peretti
7)  The Happy Room by Catherine Palmer
8)  It’s a Jungle Out There; Jungle Calls; Life is a Jungle (3 paperbacks)-by Ron Snell
9)  In The Presence of My Enemies; To Fly Again- (2 books) by Dean Merrill
10)  Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt
11)  Prayer by Phillip Yancey
12)  Bruchko by Bruce Olson
13)  Dorie, The Girl who Nobody Loved by Dorie VanStone and Erwin Lutzer
14)  Cricketer and Pioneer (CT. Studd) by Norman Grubb
15)  The Reentry Team, Caring for Your Returning Missionaries, by Neal Pirolo, Emmaus Road International- outstanding book for Sending Teams
16)  Letters Never Sent, One Woman’s Journey From Hurt to Wholeness by Ruth E. Van Reken
17)  The Weight of Your Words by Joseph M. Stowell
18)  *By Searching  by Isobel Kuhn
19)  *By My Spirit  by Jonathan Goforth
20)  *Climbing by Rosalind Goforth
21)  *Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret by Howard Taylor and Geraldine Taylor
22)  *Hudson Taylor and Maria, Pioneers in China by John Pollock
23)  *Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman by Gladys Aylward and Christine Hunter
24)  *The Savage My Kinsman by Elisabeth Elliott
25)  *No Graven Image by Elisabeth Elliot
26)  *Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
27)  Goodbye is Not Forever by Amy George
28)  Miniskirts, Mothers & Muslims by Christine A. Mallouhi
29)  Radical by David Platt

* indicates older missionary stories

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