Thursday, February 21, 2013

Garlic Smashed Red Potatoes by Geisel Nye

Serves 6-8

3 lbs baby red skinned potatoes, washed and quartered
4 whole garlic cloves, peeled
1 Tbls salt
1 tsp pepper
¼ Cup unsalted butter

1 -2 Cups of milk or chicken broth (depending on thin or thick you like your potatoes)
1. Place potatoes and garlic in a large pot and cover with cold water. Place lid on pot and bring to a boil. If pot begins to boil over on to stove reduce heat to medium high or low boil. Boil until potatoes are tender. This will take about 10 -15 minutes.
2. Drain potatoes and place back in large pot. Add butter and place lid back on pot to melt butter. Mash and add milk to potatoes and continue mashing until you get desired consistency. Add salt and pepper and taste to adjust to your liking. Potatoes always need more seasoning than you think.

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