Thursday, January 17, 2013

Filipino Fruit Salad

The Filipino Fruit Salad is a staple dessert to most Filipino parties. The usual ingredients are canned fruit cocktail, condensed milk and Nestle cream. However, I don't suggest using Nestle cream. It curdles and the liquid separates. I use the refrigerated Heavy Cream (the same one used in making whipped cream). To cut the sweetness of the condensed milk and to give it a thick and creamy consistency, use cream cheese. The fresh apples provides texture to the soft fruit and gives it a necessary crunch.

  • 1 6 pound can or 10 cups Tropical Fruit Cocktail
  • 2 cans mandarin oranges
  • 1 can condensed milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 Granny Smith apples, cubed
  • 1/2 cup plain cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, cubed
  • 1/4 cup Maraschino Cherry Halves (optional)
  • Shredded Coconut/Macapuno (optional)
1 Drain the Fruit Cocktail thoroughly.
2  Whip the condensed milk, heavy cream and cream cheese together. Make sure it's well blended. (You may omit the cream cheese and just add more cheddar cheese to cut the sweetness of the condensed milk if desired.)
3 Add in the drained fruit cocktail and cheddar cheese.
4 Peel and cube the apples one at a time, putting the apples directly into the salad as they are cut. (To prevent browning of the cut apples, immediately integrate it in the cream mixture or soak in a lemon ice water solution ‘til mixed.
5 Garnish with cherries. (You can add some Macapuno or soft shredded coconut meat, if desired.)
6 Refrigerate and serve cold.

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